11:32 AM
Awful dusty in here
8:11 AM
no it not lol

Clan: MerX.CoalitioN
1:45 PM
Hmmmm... Kinda lonely in here.
8:06 AM
CA should be back up around 8:00 am pst / 11:00 est

Clan: MerX.CoalitioN
5:03 AM
confused Yes, LiveFire21?

Clan: CBL Admin
11:33 AM
i know DSC is dirty as rats
9:24 AM
0:36 AM
Can anyone give me any information in regards to the clan Armoured Saints

Clan: Screaming Aliens
7:58 PM
keyword list updated 12/20/2009
Thanks Sidekick for the words

5:09 AM
FYI clan search is still disabled, but player searches are working. Stats may be slightly out of date but status and reports filed for players are current.

Clan: CBL Admin
5:04 AM
Willing to do a few direct database searches to move along your verification process. Smoke, ChaeChew or Gadman, PM me the exact (please make sure it is exact) IGNs and clan names at the CBL site plz.

Clan: CBL Admin
4:17 AM
Yes, that is correct. Sorry to make everyone wait but we are not able to search clan records. I believe it may not be fixed till after the holidays. Please be patient. Thanks!
1:29 AM
I applied also a couple of days ago. We have to wait for CBL to return to 100% from what the Director said.

Clan: Precisionist
0:58 AM
And now I have no idea what to do?

0:58 AM
Hello guys I just registerd and I applied to get C.L.E.A.N

10:40 AM
When I try to sign up again under applications it says access denied. I really would like to complete this
10:37 AM
*** do I have to sign up again?

Clan: Not Your Clan
8:06 AM
For more info look here:
You can also check your email as every clan leader received notice.
8:04 AM
_Executioner, You must reapply to C.L.E.A.N. as your application has been removed. You were required to move on by the 16th and didn't. No extension was filed.
0:08 AM
Anyone? Tried to make an appointment last night somehow it didnt go through and now I cant see the calender???

Clan: Not Your Clan
11:53 PM
>.< that makes a lot more sense. Yay for math skills! crazy
10:26 PM
Actually, if you look closely, that percentage shot up because of a huge decrease in Enlisted/Student wink

Clan: AngerManagement
8:07 PM
:O wow over 50% revoked now! Just last week or so it was 40%! cry *tear* for all the hackers in CA
6:08 PM
Tried to make an appointment last night didnt work. Now I cant see the calender to set it up?

Clan: Not Your Clan
6:02 PM
Happy B-Day Jos!!! icecream enjoy your icecream :P

Clan: Trainer
4:13 PM
There are file differences between old updated CA and new Install CA. These will show themselves in HASH CHECK. Review the bottom of
Information on CA Files in the teamview section for more detail
2:25 PM
Thanks ChaeChew, for the update.
2:03 PM
Search Strings now have a new format for manual searching, It has been discovered the OS's can only handle so many at one time without inaccurate results. This only effects manual searching
10:50 AM
Students and Graduates please review the Information on CA files thread in the teamview section. thank you.
2:03 AM
Np man thanks for taking time to do this.Good luck happy hacker hunting.

Clan: MerX.CoalitioN
0:12 AM
Thanks Sidekick for your time. v

Clan: -SoS-
7:39 PM
_Executioner, just use the C.L.E.A.N. Appointments tab. There is a video tutorial there at the top of the page. Your login for that is in your PM inbox.

Clan: C.L.E.A.N. Staff
7:24 PM
How to I sign up to get tested??? I know that sounds like STD but I am a clean student smile
4:53 PM
Glad to see new Graduated Clans hands

Clan: ARMY Costa Rica
9:27 AM
extension. If no extension request is made you application will be removed from our program. Check here and find your expiration date: http://cleanclans.com/forum/2
9:25 AM
Clans already in our system as enlisted or student need to check and see when their expiration date is. We have several clans due to expire tomorrow and we've only recieved one request for extensi
9:22 AM
Clans that have recently applied, I ask that you be patient as we are waiting for the cbl to return to 100% before we accept any new clans.

Clan: C.L.E.A.N. Staff
5:48 PM
ign : Hector_Frost

Clan: Colonial Militia
5:48 PM
Hey All, Whats going on? If any of the Grad Clans want to C/W pm me in game

Clan: Colonial Militia
5:36 PM

Clan: TeKneek
9:23 AM
Several clans are moving close to the expiration date. Please file an extension if you can not finish by the time allowed.
1:43 PM
yay all done now =)... now to become graduated....
11:50 AM
i did =p
im just not sure if any1 is around lol
11:45 AM
Barnsy if you need to make an appointment then please use the appointment site.
11:08 AM
hello is any1 on now?
7:03 AM
Please remember that if you apply to join C.L.E.A.N. that you must also register on this site. Registration link is above in the blue bar.
1:58 AM
For the time being you can send them to Gadman56
6:32 PM
I was trying to figure out who to send some new words for our hacks list too

Clan: Screaming Aliens
6:08 PM
They've had some updates they have been wanting to do. I'm guessing they are doing them.