what do u mean by supposedly?? and didn't have a mic? here's what u need to know: (and more may come. I'm just busy with school work and may write more later)
1) your clan makes the appointments for training. We don't seek you out. And if we do need to seek you out it'll be through pm's (we MAY jump on ur vent IF your scheduled for training and haven't shown up to see what the hold up is or if you need to re-schedule)
2) Most trainings are done using OUR vent. Again you seek us and not the other way around unless truly needed.
3) ALL our admins have working mics. If our mics break we notify our Leader and WILL NOT do any training until a new working mic is operational.
4) We use our IGN (in game names) for our vent info
5) We are mature people. We wouldn't go into other peoples vents and spam them