FYI - Fake Nexon Websites --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
**** POSTED ON CA FORUMS by -Hime- ****
Fake Nexon Websites
Last post 10-14-2009, 11:59 AM by -Hime-. 0 replies.
Attention Nexon gamers,
There are websites on the Internet that mimic the Nexon login page to trick you out of your account. These websites are phishing scams that often entice you with free NX, free mesos, free gold and/or free in-game items to steal your account information. Do not be fooled by these gimmicks. To help prevent your account from being phished, keep your eye out for the following:
Check the URL of the link. All Nexon America websites end with * Not in the middle, not in the beginning of the URL, always at the end.
Does the URL match the page you see? To earn your trust the scammers mimic their websites to look like the Nexon login and trick you into entering your account ID and password. Be sure the URL has * at the end to know you are on the official Nexon website.
We will work on removing these phishing websites as they appear. Please protect your accounts and be wary of untrustworthy websites.